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Tammar wallabies
Tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) are one of the smaller members of the kangaroo family, making them easy to keep in captivity and study. Typically adult males weigh 6-8 kg, whilst females weigh 5-6 kg. They are seasonal breeders and have a single young a year.
Tammars are a good representative of the marsupial mammals. Because they diverged from the line that led to humans and the common laboratory mammals around 150 million years ago, they make an excellent contrast. They give birth, as do all marsupials, to young at a developmental stage equivalent to an early embryo in humans, and undergo the rest of their development in the pouch. This difference in developmental timing makes them valuable for the study of development and developmental disorders.
School of BioSciences
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
School of BioSciences
University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010
The following are tools that have been included in WallaBase to use for exploring the tammar wallaby genome and associated information about it.
- JBrowse
- This is a genome browser that allows for fast visualization of genomic information, it allows users to easily visualize large datasets without the need to upload them. It supports user supplied GFF3, BED, Wiggle, BigWig, BAM, VCF and REST.
- A tool for identifying areas of local similarity at varying evolutionary distances.
- Galaxy
- WebApollo
- A tool to annotate the genome in a central location. Please contact us if you are interested in using this feature.
Available data can be retrieved from the following sources:
- Genomic
- Transcripts
- By sample
- By type
- Proteins
Download the files used on JBrowse for the current release of the Tammar Wallaby genome (v3).
- GFF of all Maker annotations
- Transcription Factor Binding Sites identified by FIMO using JASPAR
- GFF file of Genes v3.1
- GTF file of Genes v3.1
- GFF file of REAPR evaluations of v3 of genome
- GFF file of RepeatMasker and RepeatRunner results
- A .genome file for tools like bedtools or IGV
- MD5 checksums of above files
BAC libraries
- Bam file of Mapped reads from BAC Clone MEB1 (Whole Genome) LIBGSS_010749
- Bam file of Mapped reads from Fosmid Clone MEFX (X Chromosome Enriched) LIBGSS_010946
- MD5 checksums of above files
EST libraries
- Mapped EST library from Gravid Uterus LIBEST_027300
- Mapped EST library from Hypothalamus LIBEST_027301
- Mapped EST library from Ovary LIBEST_027302
- Mapped EST library from Testis LIBEST_027303
- Mapped EST library from Mammary LIBEST_021869
- MD5 checksums of above files
Genomic Alignments
- Genome alignment using Mauve of Macropus eugenii v3 vs Monodelphis domesticus v5
- Genome alignment using Mauve of Macropus eugenii v3 vs Homo sapien hg19
- MD5 checksums of above files
Genomic reads used for assembly and REAPR validation
- Bam file for DRR013237 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013238 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013239 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013240 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013241 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013242 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013243 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013244 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013245 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013246 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013247 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013248 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013249 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013250 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013251 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013252 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013253 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013254 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013255 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013256 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013257 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013258 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013259 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013260 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for DRR013261 mapped against v3 of genome
mRNA-seq reads used to in assembly of transcriptome and annotation using Maker
- Bam file for Adnexa mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Caudal epididymus mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Endo mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Follicle Ovary mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Gravid endometrium Endometrium Uterus 4432 mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Gravid endometrium Endometrium Uterus NT mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Heart mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Liver mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Lung mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Mammary mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for md5sum.txt mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Mid prostate mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Non gravid endometrium Endometrium Uterus 4432 mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Non gravid endometrium Endometrium Uterus NT mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for normalized 100x mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Ovary with CL mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Phallus male 3708 mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Phallus male 3796 mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Retroperitoneal white adipose tissue mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Spleen mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
- Bam file for Testis mapped against v3 of genome using TopHat2
Small RNAs mapped against genome
- Bam file for brain miRNA GSM753561 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for fibroblast miRNA GSM753562 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for liver miRNA GSM753563 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for ovary miRNA GSM753564 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for pouchYoungDay125 crasiRNA GSM753559 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for testis crasiRNA GSM753560 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for testis miRNA GSM753565 mapped against v3 of genome
- Bam file for testis piRNA GSM753566 mapped against v3 of genome